NHPR’s Socrates Exchange Question: Is Censorship Ever Acceptable?

Censorship (courtesy andrewrennie)
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By Laura Knoy on Wednesday, March 31, 2010.

Are there some forms of expression that are simply too crude or too offensive to be allowed to be disseminated? What kinds of things, if any, should be censored? Who should do the censoring?


  • Max Latona, Associate Professor of Philosophy at St. Anselm College

Background Reading from NHPR

To censor: Merriam-Webster defines it as “to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable”. The English form of the word was taken from Ancient Roman and the position of “censura”, a government position who not only was in charge of the city’s census and certain areas of the government’s finances but also to ‘supervise public morality’.

As you can see, censorship has been around almost as long as there have been people who have wanted to express themselves freely. Both in Ancient Roman and Greek societies, censorship was looked on as ‘honorable’ since it helped shaped the moral character of its people. The Greek philosopher Plato emphatically defended that any art that could corrupt morality should be censored. “Let the censors receive any tale of fiction which is good, and reject the bad,” said Plato, “and we will desire mothers and nurses to tell their children the authorized ones only.” Ironically, his teacher (and our project’s namesake), Socrates, ended up being one of the earliest victims of censorship, as he was sentenced to drink poison in 399 BC for impiety and corrupting the youth.

Almost 2500 years later, the censorship debate remains strong. It’s a discussion that occurs almost every day in our media, schools, libraries and in popular culture, and with this debate arrives a host of Socratic questions on both sides of the argument.

The first amendment comes up often in debates around censorship. It allows us the Constitutional right to free speech and free press, but it does have its limits. We can’t scream “Fire!” in a crowded theater, there are laws against slander and libel, and we hope the press will report ‘the truth’. But the press and the media have greatly expanded due to technology. It allows us to access more information than ever before. So how much of this information should the press report? Does telling ‘the truth’ go too far when it could compromise the safety of people or our nation? Should embedded war journalists report on secret military locations, strategy and weaponry? Should we permit homeland security plans to be revealed if terrorists can use them to find possible loopholes? DNA sequences of some of the most deadly pathogens known to man (small pox, polio, and 1918 Influenza) can now be purchased over the internet. Is that permissible? But if we start censoring there, where does it end? Do you create a slippery slope once you begin to censor?

Then there is harm. We have a right to express ourselves freely but it’s generally agreed that we shouldn’t try to harm each other. In that respect, we DO censor both on our Socrates Exchange radio and web discussions. We don’t permit certain vulgarities on our air: if we did, we would incur major fines from the FCC. We also don’t allow disparaging remarks, name calling or threats on our web discussion because we want to create an environment for people to post, respond, debate and yet feel safe. Many media outlets have discussion pages, blogs and comment sections that go unmonitored. There you do find vulgarities, slanderous statements, misinformation, and threats. As cyber media grows and continues to become more relaxed, does that in part make censorship meaningless and irrelevant?

Then there is the classroom. For years debates have raged over the possible banning of certain books. Examples of this include the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for using the word ‘nigger’, Alice in Wonderland due to implications of drug use, Harry Potter because some feel that wizardry depicted has ‘satanic overtones’ and Heather has Two Mommies due to its discussion of homosexuality. Likewise debate has come up about the teaching of creationism, evolution, safe-sex and abortion. Those who support censoring in the schools say that as parents they have a right to censor the ideas that their children are exposed to. Those against this parental control ask why we should ban a book for all because it offends the beliefs of a few? Should one or two bad words exclude a masterpiece of literature? Do religious principles stand up in schools? If you don’t ban a book that offends a particular church, then is it OK to teach the Bible or the Koran in the classroom? Is expunging “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance censorship? If we don’t ban certain books in school due to language, sex or violence then should we allow pornography or graphically-violent novels in schools?

One final outlet in the censorship debate is art and pop culture. Gone are the days where TV couples sleep in different beds. TV cartoons like South Park constantly push the limits, and then push more. Video games have become increasingly violent and some music is chock full of vulgarities and vitriol. Because of this rein-loosening, some feel that lines have been crossed. Some say the lyrics and subliminal messages behind Ozzy Ozbourne’s 1980 hit “Suicide Solution” led to several deaths by teens who had listened to the song. There was Ice-T’s 1992 rap “cop killer” that some say incited police violence. After the Columbine school massacre, there were those who looked to blame movies and video games. It was said that one of the killers had named his sawed off shotgun after a character of the video game “Doom” and that their dressing in trench coats copycatted the violent movie “Basketball Diaries”. Closer to home, the senseless murder of Kimberly Cates in Mont Vernon, NH last October has been linked to the musical group “Insane Clown Posse” and the ultra-violent lyrics to which the teenagers listened. But the same has been said in the past of Elvis, of the TV show “Bevis and Butthead” and the art of Robert Mapplethorpe (which when compared to the extremes of today seem far milder). Most listen to Cop Killer and don’t think about killing police; most can play Doom or listen to Insane Clown Posse and not resort to violence. Shouldn’t we then allow these forms of art even though there are a few “bad apples”? Or has the tolerance of increasingly more graphic and extreme violent, sexuality, and lewdness begun to erode our sensibilities and numb us to their depravity? If so, what is the next envelope to be pushed if we don’t censor at some point? How about when it offends a whole religion? A Danish cartoonist recently depicted a picture of Mohammed in several comics. Is it OK to censor someone who offends a whole religion to the point of blasphemy?

Maybe there ought to be no limits to freedom of expression. If there should be, then what are those limits, and whom do we trust to articulate and enforce them? The topic of censorship is extremely controversial. Get Socratic! Let us know what you think. Respond to other postings while you are here!

What do you think: Is censorship ever acceptable? Write a response to this question using Google Docs. Think before you write.

  1. Make sure the text document is formatted in Times New Roman and 12 point font.
  2. Your response should be at least 6 to 10 sentences long.
  3. Proofread your response aloud in your head.
  4. Your response should be free of all GUMS.
  5. Clearly explain your position on the question.

Do not post a comment here on the blog.

Before you complete this response, think about everything you heard discussed at TodaysMeet. Here are some of the questions that we might discuss in Todays Meet:

•When is censorship acceptable?
•Is it ever acceptable to ban a book from a school library?
•Is it ever acceptable to block/filter Web sites from school use? If so, who determines what to block? How do you decide what to block?

Should mandatory service be required of all Americans?

What do you think?

Read the different points of view below. In your table discussion group, discuss each position at TodaysMeet. Moderators should post each position before your group begins to discuss it. Be prepared to summarize to the whole class highlighting what you discussed.

Consider these four (4) possible positions:

Point of View 1
A government-run and financed mandatory national service program for all Americans should be established, and citizens should be paid for their service. Bringing together people from diverse backgrounds would strengthen the social fabric of the nation and would reinforce two important democratic principles: citizenship is a matter of responsibility, not just choice; and we’re all equal as citizens, regardless of wealth and status.

Potential Negative Consequences
Such a program would turn participants into government workers, not volunteers. The cost of a mandatory government-run and funded national service program will require additional taxes.
Government-run national service will decrease the incentive for people to donate their money to charities and time to community service.

Point of View 2
The government should require that every American devote a year of national service to a private non-profit organization. These organizations would draw on the talents and skills of every age group and expand opportunities for people to improve their communities and tackle national challenges. A true system of national service is more than an opportunity; it is an obligation.

Potential Negative Consequences
Even if participants are not working for the government, mandatory participation undermines the spirit of volunteerism and goes against the American grain.
Decisions on which non-profit organizations qualify for the service program could become immersed in politics.

Point of View 3
Participation in national service should be encouraged by the government and facilitated through public-private partnerships like AmeriCorps, VISTA and the MLK Day of Service. By creating incentives, like tuition reimbursement and time-off from jobs, the government makes it easier for people to participate and promotes active citizenship.

Potential Negative Consequences

Unless the program is mandatory, too few people will participate and it won’t become a significant part of the US Citizen experience. Tax dollars are better spent on providing direct services than on recruiting, training, and managing volunteers and hoping for a quality outcome.

Point of View 4
The government should have no involvement in national service. Examples of service to community are everywhere: volunteers giving blood, serving at soup kitchens, building homes for the homeless. This sort of pure volunteerism best reflects the American spirit and adequately serves both community and nation.

Potential Negative Consequences
The percentage of Americans who volunteer may fall from its current level of 26%, and thus certain community and national needs may remain unmet.
Without compensation, significant volunteering becomes something that only wealthy people can afford to do.

Vote here to voice your opinion on this question:

Should mandatory service be required of all Americans?

Check here at The Exchange Web site for the National Constitution Center for the results of the Web Poll taken last Thursday, March 18, 2010. The Carter group had a chance to vote in the Web Poll; the site is no longer accepting votes.

Wrapping Up The Jackie Robinson Story


“There was never a man in the game who could put mind and muscle together quicker than Jackie Robinson.

—Branch Rickey

1. What is passive resistance?

2. Why would Branch Rickey encourage Jackie Robinson not to fight back?

3. Why does it sometimes take more courage not to fight back? Did the technique work for Jackie Robinson—why or why not?

4. What finally influenced him to alter his approach in dealing with people who were against him?

5. How would society be different today if Jackie Robinson had not played baseball in the national league of major league baseball?

All five questions will be discussed at TodaysMeet. The moderator needs to print out a transcript and is responsible to keep the group on topic.

For the last question, question #5, you need to post a comment on the blog by the end of class today. Make sure your response meets the following requirements:

•6 to 12 sentences long
•uses no repetition
•thoroughly addresses the question
•proofread out loud in your head
•free of all GUMS

What’s In a Phrase?

Choose one of the following statements made by Jackie Robinson and discuss/write your reaction to it at TodaysMeet.

What do you believe is meant by the statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? Why or why not?

—”There’s not an American in this country free until every one of us is free.”
—”A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
—”How you played in yesterday’s game is all that counts”

What can we learn from the Jackie Robinson story?

On Monday and Tuesday, I gave you time to do background reading on Jackie Robinson.

Here are some questions that we will discuss today using a Web site called TodaysMeet. I will show you how this site works in class. On the site, you will meet with at least two to three people and discuss the questions below. After your discussion online, each discussion group will be responsible to print a transcript of your discussion.

1. Vocabulary:

Discuss what each of these words mean:  discrimination, prejudice, equality, boycott

2. What are the three most important things you learned about Jackie Robinson?  Explain what makes each one important and to whom it is important.

3.  Think back to the movie The Great Debaters. How did they make it possible for Jackie Robinson? How did Robinson make it possible for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

4.  The Dallas Children’s Theater focuses on “comtemporary dramas that foster multicultural understanding, confront topical issues and celebrate the human spirit.”  How does Jackie Robinson fulfill this goal?

5.  Jackie Robinson faced unfair treatment and persecution including name-calling.  What are examples of unfair treatment that you see in today’s society?  What makes them unfair and what means are used to be unfair?

6.  Some of the St. Louis Cardinals threatened to boycott during the playoff game with the Dodgers because of Jackie Robinson’s presence in the league.  What other significant boycott events in our history can you name?  When is boycotting an effective method of resistance?  When would it be ineffective?

7. Who is a person today that is paving the way for positive change in the future just like Professor Tolson, Jackie Robinson, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? What thing(s) are they trying to change for the better? How are they doing it? Is is working?

Remember, after you have finished each TodaysMeet discussion question, the group leader needs to print out a copy of the transcript for your group.