Today in SSEnglish, Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Greetings All,

Here’s what we are doing today:

1. Congratulations to all of you for the wonderful effort you all put forth yesterday during our work on affirmations for the 2013-2014 school year. We were impressed in how eloquently many of you spoke and how you listened to each other’s point of view and built on that. Here’s the list of affirmations that we agreed to:

Respectful, Hard working, Responsible, Determined, Unique, Outgoing, Helpful, Family, Encouraging, Courageous

2. Word Origin Packets were passed out today; see us if you were absent and did not get one. We began the review of how to use the packet. Notes for Word Origin Packet were put on the board that introduced the origin of words and roots.

Homework tonight: Finish your Word Origin Practice (green sheet) assignment.

3. Preparation for student-led conferences began today in science class. Notebooks were reorganized, table of contents updated, clipboards cleaned off and overall neatness emphasized. A Student-Led Conference handout (2-sided gold paper)  was also passed out during class. We will continue prepping for the conferences on Thursday.

Remember, we will be taking page numbers on Thursday.

Today in SSEnglish, Friday, November 15, 2013

Greeting Folks,

Here are the things we did in class today:

1. Mrs. Peterson reviewed tips for paragraph writing with this point being the “big one”

•Staying on topic in writing a paragraph, paragraph equals one idea.

•The topic sentence tells the one idea

Go home this weekend and share with your parents the main point of today’s lesson.

2. We shared with you our next unit of study and began preparing for an opportunity to have the guest author, Richard Rubin, come in and talk to us about his most recent book, The Last of the Doughboys.

3. In your SSEnglish journal, on the top of 3 different, clean pages, date and label each question below:

•What do you think you know about World War I?

What are your fat questions about World War I?

What are your skinny, essential questions about World War I?

(Hint: these are the questions that build your background knowledge.)

Essential:  absolutely necessary; a thing that is absolutely necessary; extremely important,  fundamental or central to the nature of something or someone.

4. Make sure you get  a copy of the editorial passed out today that appeared in The New York Times and written by Richard Rubin for Veterans Day 2007.

Richard Rubin’s editorial:Over There — and Gone Forever”

Read this handout with a pencil; it is due on Monday.

Remember, we will walk down to the Wolfeboro Public on Monday; bring your rain gear and library card.

Today in SSEnglish, Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Here’s what we did today:

1. We began class by getting into our TodaysMeet groups from Tuesday and sharing what we learned last night from our parents.

Discuss the poem “In Flanders Fields” with your parents; take notes in your SSEnglish journal. After, discuss the questions we posed to you on TodaysMeet:
1. What did you do yesterday to honor/commemorate Veterans Day?
2. What is Veterans Day and why do we celebrate it?

Take notes on their responses to these two questions too.

Note: Bold type above is what you were supposed to do for homework last night.

2. Mrs. Peterson gave notes on the Five Elements of Fiction.


•Come dressed and be ready to hike on Thursday.

•Bring your lunch and two, 32-ounce water bottles filled with water.

•Come dressed in layers and bring extra layers; it will be cold.

End of First Quarter Reflection due to your basecamp teacher on Thursday. Make sure you pass in hard copies and have clearly labeled all steps of the writing process.

•Parent conference information went home today for student-led conferences on Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26, 2013. Please return the gold sheet for your preference time and Vista Family Survey 2013 (white sheet) to your basecamp teacher as soon as possible.

Beginning tonight, and continuing until further notice, review this blog and Mrs. Doiron’s blog to be aware of what we did in class. Compare your agenda book, notes, and handouts to what was listed on the blog.

Today in SSEnglish, Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Here’s what we did today in SSEnglish:

1. The poem of the day was “In Flanders Fields” by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae.

2. Next, we had a discussion on TodaysMeet (FlandersGroup) that centered around two questions:

1. What did you do yesterday to honor/commemorate Veterans Day?
2. What is Veterans Day and why do we celebrate it?

3. For homework tonight:

Discuss the poem “In Flanders Fields” with your parents; take notes in your SSEnglish journal. After, discuss the questions we posed to you on TodaysMeet:
1. What did you do yesterday to honor/commemorate Veterans Day?
2. What is Veterans Day and why do we celebrate it?

Take notes on their responses to these two questions too.

Uploaded on Oct 20, 2008
This video includes a reading of the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’ by Lt. Col. John McCrae and the well known excerpt from the poem ‘For the Fallen’ by Laurence Binyon. The voiceover was performed by good friend and actor Michael Haynes ( The music is ‘Abide with Me’ and ‘Sunset’.