Current Conditions for Nature Journals

As you already know, any time we ask you to observe and write about the current conditions, there is always almanac information required that includes:

  • sunrise
  • sunset
  • length of day
  • moon phase

All of this information can now be found at one site built by Sunrise Sunset Web site Steve Edwards. This site was given a Star Award by the Griffith Observatory for the service it provides the public about almanac information.

Here are copies of all the handouts we have given you for your nature journal or outdoor education so far this year:

Almanac Information Template

Nature Journal Rubric: Current Conditions Checklist

Team Vista’s 10 Essentials for Friday Hikes and Observations





Tonight’s Wrap-up Homework from Today’s “Team Meeting”

First off, the teachers of Team Vista are proud of the way you conducted yourselves in the lecture hall, what you said and how you said it, and how respectful you were of each other and the process.Kudos to all of you.

Remember the elements for writing a good reflection.

1. What are the things you learned from today’s town meeting. Think about consensus and what that means. Think back to everything you learned today both as an individual and as a group. Think deeply and take care of the so what.
2. Go home tonight and look on your town’s Web site. Find the date and time of the next meeting in your town that you could attend and observe an actual meeting of the planning board, the selectman’s meeting, or any other town meeting taking place in the next few weeks.
In your team journal, write down the group meeting and the time and place the meeting will occur.

3. Read this entry in Wikipedia about democracy. Read up to but not including the section entitled Middle Ages.

4. Extra credit: Watch tonight’s presidential debate. It starts at 8:00 pm. You can find it on any of the networks, cable stations, radio stations, and streaming over the Internet. Take notes.

Finally, be prepared to be outdoors on Thursday. Bring raingear and appropriate shoes for part 2 of the Spider Challenge. We go outside, rain or shine.