Today in SSenglish, Wednesday, May 29, 2013

During the AM sessions, we continued with research.

During the PM sessions, Mrs. Peterson gave a minilesson about how to take all the research gathered so far about your topic and turn it into the final products. Step include:

  1. Narrow your information down to the most significant, important , interesting side of your research.
  2. Tell enough but not too much.
  3. Be ready to find out what the audience needs to know.
  4. A good story starts with a hook.
  5. The presentation and story that you tell needs to be in first person.
  6. Organize your ideas on paper.
  7. Have a logical, orderly sequence to the story you tell.

Your writing piece should include three parts:

1. Introduction—hook, background, who you are, what you did.

2. Body—significance, importance, impact, tell enough but not too much.

3. Conclusion—wrap-up, look back 100 years, back to the hook (A good story goes full circle, back to the start).

Finally, much more information about all of the above including the minilesson is included in Journey Through Time handout (blue paper) passed out to today during class.



Today in SSenglish, Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Research continued today on Journey Through Time. Many new dates were added to your agenda book. Some of them are listed below. See the Google Calendar for a complete listing. Make sure all of them have been added to your agenda book.

  1. You are expected to be working on the JTT project at home each night for at least 30 minutes from tonight through Monday, June 10; this includes the weekend.
  2. The final JTT Packet is due on Tuesday, June 11.
  3. Historical Performances begin for JTT on Monday, June 17.



Today in SSenglish, Thursday, May 23, 2013

Here’s what’s up today in class and for what you should be working on for homework in JTT from tonight through Monday night.

1. Continue reading, researching and taking notes on questions from the green JTT Focus Questions handout.

2. Take your notes about the specific questions that  pertain especially to your character.

3. Follow our tip for inserting a line in your Google Doc note sheet with the questions listed after the line. Make a line (separate section) for each question. Remember, these questions are the big, fact, juicy questions that require lots of background reading before you are able to craft a beginning response.

For Homework each night from tonight through Monday, May 27, 2013:

1. Continue researching the information to help you address your Focus Questions. Spend at least 30 minutes each night or a total of at least 150 minutes by end of the day on Monday.


Many of you have been finding the information web to be drying up for your character. No need to worry, try this link for  an Advanced Google Search.

Again, here’s the link to the Kingswood Library Media Center.

Today in SSenglish, Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Kudos to everyone that participated in our Journey Through Time Tea Party & Mixes on Monday.

Now that everyone has had a chance to “break the ice” in character, it’s time to see where you are in your research and begin to dig deeper beyond the basic facts about yourself. So…

Everyone was given a copy of JTT Focus Questions today. There are 10 of them. They are not meant to be answered by everyone. Choose the ones to research further that make the most sense for you based on your character. Choose the ones that you best understand first. We will talk more on Wednesday about the questions and how to use them to dig deeper into your character.

If the link above to the JTT Focus Questions does not work, here they are:

1. What did you do and how?

2.  How did you influence history/impact the world?

3. What was the historical context in which the person lived?

4. What were the choices you made?

5. Did  you take  action or choose inaction?

6. What events led to your making the decision?

7. What was the outcome of the decision?

8. Did the your actions result in a legacy?

9. Now, in reflection in 2013, what do you think about yourself and your impact?

10. What will your impact be in 100 years?

—How will people/world view you then?

—How will you view yourself?