NHPR: Socrates Exchange Question—Should Animals Have Rights

Should animals have rights?

That’s the question being asked on NHPR’s Socrates Exchange show for February. Here’s what I want you to do.

Open an OpenOffice text document and save it with the title: Should animals have rights?

Here are some more questions that NHPR’s Socrates Exchange wants its listeners to consider:

“Are non-human animals merely a natural resource for human use? Do we have a responsibility to treat animals with dignity or to consider their suffering? Are we justified killing mosquitoes or pigs while pampering our pets? Do “smarter” creatures deserve more rights? If an animal is more intelligent than a cognitively disabled human, does the animal deserve more rights?”

—from NHPR’s Socrates Exchange for February 2010

Before you begin writing, copy and paste this whole post into your OpenOffice text document.

1. Write a response to this question. Think before you write.

2. Make sure the text document is formatted in Times New Roman and 12 point font.
3. Your response should be at least 6 to 10 sentences long.
4. Proofread your response aloud in your head.
5. Your response should be free of all GUMS.
6. Clearly explain your position on the question.

Do not post a comment here on the blog.