Socrates Exchange: Do We Have Too Much Information?

By Laura Knoy on Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We often hear of people suffering from “information overload.” To what exactly are we referring? Is it just that our brains are too slow to process the information now available? Does more information necessarily lead to more truth? Does more truth necessarily lead to a better world? What are the existential ramifications of living in a world where all information is always immediately available? Are there reasons to slow down our development of information technology? Is slowing down even possible given competitive global markets? Must we adopt the technology or get left behind by those who use smarter machines? Where is all of this taking us? Who is in the driver’s seat? Should we resist?

Today, we listen to our first Socrates Exchange at NHPR: Do We Have Too Much Information?

Make your you bring your geography/history journal, toolkit, and reading book to basecamp. Algebra books are also needed.