Today in SSinglish, Friday, May 17, 2013

Reminder to All:

For Monday, May 20, be prepared to come in character for our first Journey Through Time Tea Party Mixer:

  1. The mixer will last for 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. During this time, you must be able to carry on a conversation about yourself with other famous people at the mixer.
  3. Be prepared to answer questions and ask questions about the people you meet.
  4. Costumes are encouraged but not required at this time; you might want to also work on a “voice/accent” different from your own and authentic to your character.
  5. Bring your character to life.
  6. Continue researching your character each night for at least 20 minutes or more to be prepared for the mixer on Monday.

If you were absent today, you need to make up the All of Africa Memory Test as soon as possible.

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