Today in SSEnglish, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, May 19, 20, and 21, 2014

Here’s what we did today and what is coming up on Tuesday and Wednesday:

1. A thank you letter to Mr. Alex Bakman is due on Wednesday, Tell him something you learned that you found interesting.

2. Wednesday, May 21, is a delayed opening and the Rock Concert Day. Core classes begin at 10:00 am. You will have work time for 85 minutes to work on a number of things. You will be assigned to one of five rooms to report to.

3. Check you assignments to make sure you have handed in the following things:

—Opinion piece submitted in the form

—Mike Anderson esssay

—Age of adulthood essay

4. Tomorrow we will spend time reviewing essay format.

5. Bring earbuds tomorrow so you can listen to comments Mrs. Peterson left for you using Kaizena.

6. Writing prompt for the whole school will be administered on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 27 and 28.

6. Finally, study groups, working together, completed the rubric. The rubric was collected.