Today in SSEnglish, Monday and Tuesday, May 12 and 13, 2014

Here’s what we did today:

1. Mrs. Peterson gave notes on the steps in writing an opinion essay. They included prewriting and brainstorming, what it would look like.

2. This question was posed to you:

What is the age to be considered an adult?

3. Time was given during class to begin prewriting on this topic. We will continue on Tuesday by finishing the prewrite and turning it into a first draft.

4. All of the above is in preparation for the school-wide writing prompt that will be given next week and then used by the district to see the strengths and weaknesses of Governor Wentworth students when it comes to writing.

Here are some of the notes that were given today:

Notes: Turning A Claim Into a Paragraph 

Notes: Steps For Argument Writing

Prompt: What is the age to be considered an adult?

Notes: Essay Format 5:12:14

Today in SSEnglish, Wednesday, May 7, 2014

We continued building background knowledge and creating questions to ask our speaker from Ukraine that will be visiting us on Wednesday, May 14.

Here are additional resources that you should check out on Ukraine:

A Plea for Caution From Russia, What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria

Zoe Chase from Planet Money on sanctions: Will Economic Sanctions Affect Russia?

West Is Ruled ‘By The Gun,’ Putin Says As He Annexes Crimea

TED Photographs from Ukraine

List of Links to Stories on Ukraine @ NPR



Today in SSEnglish, Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Summarize the current situation as of today, in Ukraine.

1. Take notes about the information in your SSEnglish Journal.

2. Summarize what is going on.

3. Write neatly.

4. Record the date and page number in your journal.

Here are your sources:


BBC Ukraine Timeline


BBC: Why is Ukraine in turmoil?

Reuters: Ukraine

Russian Sources

RT News: Ukraine

RIA Novosti: Ukraine

U.S. Sources

The New York Times: Ukraine’s Path to Unrest

The New York Times: Ukraine Leader Strains for Grip as Chaos Spreads

CNN: East vs West: What’s behind Ukraine’s political crisis?

U.S. Government Sources

U.S. State Department: Ukraine

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty: Clashes in Ukraine—Live Blog

Ukrainian Sources

Kyiv Post: EuroMaidan


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The Boston Globe

And entering the following to log on:

Classroom username and password: teamvista


How to Login To USA Today

Login to USA Today here.

Username: 43848

Password:  usatoday


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