What makes a great blog post?

Posting your writing online is something that we will be using all the time. In fact, it will be required of you in college and the world after college as well as high school. It is a new genre of writing that does not always give you the time to go through multiple drafts, but it does need to look like final draft writing in quality, style and content. Besides all of that, the world becomes your reader. That is a great feature and an awesome responsibilty.

In your table group today you need to come up with a checklist of 5 to 8 bullets that characterize a great blog post. Follow these steps:

*Take notes in your journal on a clean left-hand page.
*Title it: What makes a great blog post.
*Write the 5 to 8 bullets in complete sentences.
*Each member of the group should have the same information.

Before you do this, read your own blog post.

Next, decide how your group will divide-up the reading of the other posts. Read as many posts as you can. Take your own notes about what makes a good post. Then have a group discussion and come up with a final group list of 5 to 8 bullet points.

Each group will present their findings to the whole class.

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